We recognize that each nonprofit organization is unique, with its own set of challenges, goals, and missions.

That's why we don't believe in one-size-fits-all fundraising solutions. We're here to tailor our services to meet your specific needs and empower your success. Whether you're just starting or looking to revamp your fundraising efforts, our fundraiser consultants offer the expertise and flexibility to make it happen.

grant writing support

Do you need a little—or perhaps a lot—of grant writing support? We're passionate about writing grants that resonate with funders while still retaining the voice of your organization. We also offer thorough copy-editing tailored to meet the needs of ambitious teams, ensuring that your proposals are authentic, original, and compelling. 

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Our services

our services

We craft persuasive grant proposals that captivate funders, securing the vital resources your organization needs to thrive and make a difference. Additionally, we offer copy-editing and grant-writing support for ambitious teams, ensuring your proposals are both persuasive and polished.

From designing effective campaigns to developing long-term fundraising strategies, we're your partners in crafting plans that secure your mission’s success. We'll guide you through every stage, from planning to execution, ensuring your campaigns meet and exceed their targets.

It’s always a good idea to evaluate your organization's performance against its values and goals. We'll identify areas for improvement, helping you enhance your operations and better align with your mission. Thanks to our data-driven approach, your results are guaranteed.

We’ll help you discover those promising potential donors and partners who share your passion for your cause. Our comprehensive prospect research is at your service, helping you expand your network and establish valuable connections with mission-aligned, qualified prospects.

From annual reports and one-pagers, to brochures, pamphlets, and presentation materials, we’ll ensure your materials convey your message with maximum impact. We’ll engage and inspire your audience while helping you maintain strong donor relationships.

We’ll craft and curate persuasive narratives that inspire donors and stakeholders to get involved. Our case development experts will help you create a compelling story that resonates with your supporters – igniting their passion, commitment, and fundraising support for your cause.

When your organization needs temporary support, we provide experienced development professionals to fill the gaps. Our interim staff ensures continuity in your fundraising efforts, facilitating a seamless transition during staff turnover or peak workloads, while helping to maintain the momentum of your fundraising initiatives.


Our partnership begins with you filling out the form below. Our expert team of fundraising consultants will then get started on uncovering and understanding your unique needs, goals, hopes, and dreams for your development operations. 

2. research

Once we've connected, our team dives into extensive research to understand your organization, mission, and challenges. This stage is all about gathering valuable insights to inform our next steps so we can customize our services to ensure your success.

3. custom plan creation

With understanding and research in hand, we’ll then craft a customized plan specifically tailored to your organization's needs. To help maximize your fundraising potential, we’re always open to feedback and additional insights, and we can adjust according to your goals in real-time.

4. execution

It’s go time! Our professionals will put your personalized plan into action, working side by side with your team to certify its success. We grant you full access to our project management workflow, ensuring your complete control over the entire process.

the process

From annual reports and succinct one-pagers to inviting brochures, informative pamphlets, and captivating presentation materials, we've got you covered. We're here to infuse passion and impact into your messages, ensuring they resonate deeply with your audience. Let's work together to maintain, strengthen, and enrich your relationships with donors, creating a community of champions inspired by your mission.


let's wow your donors

start a project

hattie o'hara
 BREAKTHROUGH birmingham

immeasurably helpful

"I was lucky enough to have Amber as a resource when I started my first role in development. I have learned more in my first few months than I ever thought possible. She has shown me the ropes and created helpful materials for our team, but has also let me bring questions from my work for us to talk through. Her wisdom and experience has been immeasurably helpful in my work!"

Kayla Gladney
DawnG Media

able to meet us where we were

"The team's enthusiasm for the work was infectious. They were able to meet us where we were and guide us through the process. What I appreciated most was the live demonstration. I prefer for my how-to resources to be more than a checklist. I like people to teach me how to think about a thing. And that’s exactly what they did."

Taylor Gonzalez
Teach For America

goal-oriented and nimble

“The team juggles multiple projects, programs, and work streams with efficiency, ease, and grace. They are goal-oriented and nimble in their approach.”